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917-710-7933 | The Abyssinian Baptist Church
132 W. 138th Street, NY, NY 10030
Questions: Please call Sandra De La Cruz at 212.862.7474 x305
The generosity of our members, visitors and friends ensures we continue to fulfill our mission to “win more souls for Christ through evangelism, pastoral care, Christian education, social service delivery and community development.”
Your donations help support our 50+ ministries and local and global outreach programs, which enables us to better serve our communities now and in the future.
Thank you; we greatly appreciate your generosity and your support!
If your employer participates in a Matching Gift program and Abyssinian Baptist Church is eligible to receive a gift matching your contribution, please contact our Stewardship Office.
If you would like to include Abyssinian Baptist Church in your will or living trust, create a charitable gift or annuity, or make a gift through a retirement account, please contact Ashley Tarter at atarter@abyssinian.org.