Event Series Monday Afternoon Bible Study

Bible Study- Let Us Celebrate Jesus “He is the Reason for the Season”


During the month of November, we will collectively explore through the word of God:

Scriptures that will encourage us to rejoice always even during our most difficult challenges and seasons.
Identify scriptures that can help you strengthen your prayer life.
Explore Biblical leaders who gave thanks during their difficult challenges and seasons.

Event Series Monday Afternoon Bible Study

Bible Study- Let Us Celebrate Jesus “He is the Reason for the Season”


During the month of November, we will collectively explore through the word of God:

Scriptures that will encourage us to rejoice always even during our most difficult challenges and seasons.
Identify scriptures that can help you strengthen your prayer life.
Explore Biblical leaders who gave thanks during their difficult challenges and seasons.

Event Series Sunday Morning Prayer Band

Sunday Morning Prayer Band


Sunday Morning Prayer Band Join us to stir up the spirit at 8:30 AM on Sunday mornings VIA ZOOM Please note, the Sunday Morning Prayer Band will be on Summer Break until September 15th. 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Zoom Meeting ID: 319 976 6097...

Event Series Sunday Morning Prayer Band

Sunday Morning Prayer Band


Sunday Morning Prayer Band Join us to stir up the spirit at 8:30 AM on Sunday mornings VIA ZOOM Please note, the Sunday Morning Prayer Band will be on Summer Break until September 15th. 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Zoom Meeting ID: 319 976 6097...